Our History
LBC Express was initially founded in 1950s as “Luzon Brokerage Corporation.” It subsequently
changed its name to “LBC Air Cargo, Inc.” and operated as a brokerage and air cargo agent. A few
years after incorporation, LBC Express evolved into an express delivery service, becoming the first
Filipino-owned private courier company to provide time-sensitive deliveries in the Philippines and
offer customers an alternative to the Government-owned and operated postal service.
In 1973, LBC
Express pioneered 24-hour door-to-door express delivery and messengerial services in the
Philippines, providing greater convenience to its existing customers and further expanding its
market share. LBC Express’ name was formally changed to “LBC Express, Inc.” on April 26, 1988
to reflect the express delivery services that had come to form its hallmark business.
In the 1990s,
LBC Express adopted the slogan “Hari ng Padala”, or Filipino for “King of Forwarding Services.”
LBC Express has now become the market leader in the Philippine domestic air freight forwarding
market and, for the year ended November 30, 2012, had a market share of 41.8% of the domestic
air freight forwarding industry in terms of throughput by weight, according to data from the CAB.
While LBC Express’ logistics business still primarily comprises retail express courier and freight
forwarding services, it has also expanded its product mix to offer services targeted at corporate
customers, including full container load and less-than-container load sea freight forwarding and
end-to-end logistics solutions.

In the early 1980s, LBC Express entered into the domestic remittance business, leveraging the
existing branch network of its logistics business as customer contact points for remittance
acceptance and fulfillment, growing this business at low marginal cost. Beginning in 1999, LBC
Express expanded its money transfer services segment by offering bill payment collection services
in the Philippines by serving as a third party collection agent for various vendors throughout the
Philippines. In 2006, LBC Express also began providing corporate remittance fulfillment services,
such as payouts of government Social Security System benefits, payroll and insurance benefits on
behalf of third parties, as well as remittance encashments for customers of its local remittance
partner, Palawan Pawnshop.
LBC Express commenced its international money transfer operations in 1987 by establishing
relationships with agents and affiliates in the United States and steadily expanding its network
elsewhere globally to provide fulfillment services for inbound international remittances. LBC
Express later leveraged the network of its overseas affiliates to expand its Logistics business
internationally as well.
Today, LBC Express provides courier and freight forwarding services in over 20 countries and territories outside of the Philippines and fulfillment services for inbound remittances
originating from over 30 countries and territories outside the Philippines, including the United
States, Canada, the Asia Pacific region, Europe and the Middle East.